Workshop for Women, Partners, Families and Friends
On Saturday October 13 2012 a workshop was held for family and friends of Advanced Breast Cancer Group members. The workshop provided an opportunity to meet other members of the group, and Mary and Pia, face to face and to introduce family and friends. Dr Maree Colosimo was on hand to answer questions about oncology and Dr Russell Richard provided answers to questions about the role of palliative care in ongoing treatment.
After lunch a creative expression session was conducted by Claire Edwards, an art therapist.
Click here to view photos from the workshop
Morning Tea October 2012
A morning tea was held on Sunday 14 October at The Library Café at the Cultural Centre in Brisbane.
It was held to highlight the special needs of women living with secondary breast cancer in Queensland, and to help promote our statewide service, as part of Breast Cancer Awareness month.
The event, “Talking on Tuesdays”, was organised with the assistance of Bernard Houston, who wrote the song, Blue Skies, for our group and who has been facilitating the Memory Box Project we ran this year.
The morning included information and displays of creative ways women have responded to having secondary breast cancer, as well as a marvellous performance by 2 actors and 2 musicians, weaving together readings of some of the stories and creative writing from our Memory Box project, with accompanying music and song.
The morning was a happy and moving occasion, as can be seen in the photos shown below
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