A Darker Shade of Pink

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We are pleased to announce the publication of  ‘A Darker Shade of Pink, the story of the advanced breast cancer group’, a book written by Mary O’Brien and Pia Hirsch .

The book describes the story of 21 years of supporting women living with metastatic breast cancer. It is a pragmatic guide about establishing and running this kind of group as well as a collection of funny, sad, and creative stories and experiences told by Mary, Pia and the women who have been a part of the ABCG throughout the last 21 years.

As the group therapists Pia and Mary have shared in the lives of many incredible women throughout Queensland who have lived with this disease. In writing this book their goal is not only to talk about their experience of implementing and running this group, but also to give a voice to the women who everyday face unique challenges in dealing with the reality of a terminal diagnosis.

They hope  that this book will be of use not only to health professionals and those living with a terminal disease, but also to their family and friends.

“For any person who has ever loved someone who has advanced cancer and struggled to know what to say – this book is for you. For any health professional who is uncertain about how far to explore the emotional dimensions of the experience of advanced cancer – this book is for you. For anyone who is interested in establishing a support group – this book is for you. It is warm and engaging and demonstrates the power of shared humanity even in the darkest of places and is likely to provide hope and comfort for those who have advanced cancer.”

Professor Jane Turner

This book is a free resource, however please consider a small donation to cover the cost of postage.

Thank you

Mary O’Brien and Pia Hirsch

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