The analysis of the data we have collected indicates that the women who are most helped by being a member of this group are those who are significantly distressed by the diagnosis, and who want to know more about it.
Not every woman diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer wants to join a group like this. There are many woman who don’t wish to be part of a group, and others who don’t want to think about the diagnosis, but would rather have the required treatment and continue with their lives as smoothly as possible.
But there are many women who do want to talk to other women who have the same diagnosis, to find out how other women cope with the disease; women who want a safe space to speak about their fears and concerns, want to know more about the treatment and the side-effects of treatment and about the likely progress of the illness. And how other women cope with the fact that this is a terminal illness.
It is our experience that these women benefit from and contribute greatly to the support that this group offers.
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